What if I told you.... AI is more than just LLMs!

What’s up everybody, Mike here! During a conversation with friends, we were discussing how, recently (in the last year or so), there's a common misconception that AI is all about LLMs.

This simply isn’t the case, as the study of AI has been around much longer than LLMs. In this article, we might not cover every type of AI, but we will explore some of the main themes and types.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a multifaceted field that aims to create machines capable of mimicking human intelligence. AI encompasses a wide range of technologies, including Machine Learning (ML), Generative AI (GAI), Large Language Models (LLM), Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), and GPTs.

Machine Learning (ML): ML is a subset of AI that focuses on enabling machines to learn from data, improve their performance, and make decisions without explicit programming. Google's search algorithm is a prime example of ML application.

Generative AI (GAI): GAI is a class of algorithms that can generate new data, such as text, images, or video, based on input. GAI includes GANs and LLMs.

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): GANs consist of two neural networks: a generator that produces synthetic data and a discriminator that distinguishes this data from real instances. GANs have gained popularity in image synthesis and modification.

Large Language Models (LLM): LLMs are AI models that have been trained on vast amounts of data to perform language-related tasks. They consist of neural networks with many parameters that have been pre-trained on large quantities of text. LLMs can recognize words, phrases, and sentences contextually to understand the meaning of text.

GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer): GPT is a specific type of LLM developed by OpenAI. GPT models are trained on vast amounts of text data and can generate coherent, contextually relevant sentences. GPT models have evolved from GPT-1 to GPT-3, each generation bringing significant improvements in language understanding and generation capabilities.

ChatGPT: ChatGPT is a derivative of the GPT family, an AI conversational model that generates responses to text input. It is suitable for tasks like drafting emails, writing code, creating written content, or carrying out engaging conversations.

As technology advances, we can expect further evolution and specialization within these areas, heralding an interesting future for AI. AI represents a broad field of study, with ML, GAI, GANs, LLMs, and GPT being its different branches. Each has its unique characteristics, applications, and associated companies. While AI aims to mimic human intelligence, ML focuses on learning from data. GAI, including GANs and LLMs, is about generating new data or text that mirrors the input. GPT models and ChatGPT, under the LLM umbrella, specialize in understanding and generating human-like text.

If you’ve got something you’d like to talk about, ask or have general feedback, hit me up at [email protected]