AI Bytes Newsletter Issue #29

Llama 3.1, Is AI dying?, Growing involvement of U.S. lawmakers in AI governance,, Smart Strategies for Using AI in Content Marketing

Greetings AI enthusiasts! We're thrilled to bring you another edition packed with the latest in AI innovations, ethical discussions, and practical tips to enhance your AI journey.

In this issue, we dive into Meta's latest release, Llama 3.1, which promises to push the boundaries of what AI models can achieve. We'll explore the various model sizes, from the entry-level 7B to the powerhouse 405B, and discuss their potential impact on different applications.

Our ethical considerations section tackles the growing involvement of U.S. lawmakers in AI governance, exploring the potential benefits and pitfalls of this regulatory push. We also highlight the challenges posed by AI web crawlers like ClaudeBot, emphasizing the need for responsible data acquisition practices.

Don't miss our featured AI tool of the week,, and Rico's roundup of critical insights and curated content. Plus, check out Mike's musings for practical AI tips and personal recommendations.

The Latest in AI

A Look into the Heart of AI

Featured Innovation
Llama 3.1 casually drops in!

Midjourney: Mark Zuckerberg riding a llama through downtown San Francisco --v 6.0 --ar 16:9

In the ever-evolving world of artificial intelligence, Meta's release of Llama 3.1 has created quite a buzz. Known for pushing the boundaries of what LLM can achieve, the Llama series continues to impress with its latest iteration, Llama 3.1. This version introduces several model sizes tailored to various use cases, balancing performance and efficiency. However, while the Llama 3.1 405B model stands out for its capabilities, it comes with a hefty price tag.

Model Sizes: A Fit for Every Need

Llama 3.1 comes in multiple sizes, designed to cater to different requirements:

Llama 3.1 7B: The entry-level model, ideal for smaller applications where efficiency and cost-effectiveness are crucial. This model strikes a balance between performance and resource consumption.

Llama 3.1 13B: A step up from the 7B, this model offers enhanced capabilities while remaining relatively manageable in terms of cost and computational resources.

Llama 3.1 70B: Designed for more demanding applications, the 70B model provides substantial improvements in language understanding and generation. It is suitable for more complex tasks that require greater depth and nuance.

Llama 3.1 405B: The flagship model of the series, boasting unparalleled performance. It is designed for the most advanced AI applications, capable of handling massive datasets and producing highly sophisticated outputs.

The 405B Model: Unmatched Power, Unmatched Cost

The Llama 3.1 405B model is undeniably impressive. Its sheer size and capabilities make it a powerful tool for developers and researchers aiming to push the limits of AI. This model excels in understanding and generating complex language patterns, making it ideal for applications in natural language processing, machine translation, and advanced AI research.

However, this power comes at a significant cost. Running the Llama 3.1 405B model requires substantial computational resources. The hardware needed to support this model includes high-end GPUs and extensive memory, leading to increased operational expenses. Additionally, the energy consumption associated with running such a large model can be substantial, further driving up costs.

For many organizations, the investment required to leverage the 405B model may be prohibitive. It's essential to weigh the benefits of its advanced capabilities against the financial and logistical challenges of deploying it. In many cases, the smaller models in the Llama 3.1 lineup may provide a more balanced solution, offering strong performance without the exorbitant costs.

Finding the Right Fit

Llama 3.1 represents a significant advancement in AI technology, offering models that cater to a wide range of needs. While the 405B model is a testament to what is possible with cutting-edge AI, its cost may make it inaccessible for many. Organizations must carefully consider their requirements and resources when choosing the right model from the Llama 3.1 series. By selecting the appropriate model size, businesses can harness the power of AI in a cost-effective and efficient manner.

In a world where AI continues to grow in importance, understanding the trade-offs between power and cost is crucial. Llama 3.1 provides a versatile toolkit for those looking to innovate, ensuring there's a model that fits every need and budget.

Ethical Considerations & Real-World Impact
The Dawn of AI Governance: U.S. Lawmakers Seek Access to OpenAI's Technology

Well, we cannot say we did not see this coming. It was only a matter of time before governments started inserting themselves into and making the push to govern these technologies, and here we are.

In a recent development that has sent ripples through the tech world, U.S. lawmakers have taken a bold step by formally requesting access to OpenAI's advanced artificial intelligence technologies. This move marks a significant milestone in the ongoing dialogue between technology innovators and government regulators in the face of growing recognition of AI's profound impact on society, and the perceived need for oversight to ensure its responsible development and deployment.

This government push into AI isn't just a small ripple, it's more like a tidal wave with far-reaching effects that will undoubtedly effect us all. Sure, having Uncle Sam peek over the shoulders of AI developers might lead to more transparent and responsible tech, MAYBE, and that is a big maybe. But it could also help set some ground rules for protecting our data and ensuring AI plays fair, which doesn’t seem so bad. Let's not kid ourselves though, there's a flip side. We're talking about the government here, and with their track record, who's to say they won't go overboard? There's a real risk they could suffocate the very innovation they're trying to oversee, which we are more inclined to believe will be the result. And let's talk money for a second, others concerns may also develop that the highest bidder will get more say in who in the industry can do what. A clear set of rules might give investors the confidence to pour more cash into AI, or, and it's a big or, all these new hoops to jump through could slam the brakes on progress, leaving us in the dust while other countries zoom ahead. I guess we will have to wait and see how this legal battle goes.

AI Tool of the Week - Mindstudio

The Toolbox for Navigating the AI Landscape

This week’s tool of the week is MindStudio AI. MindStudio allows you to create AI workflows without writing code directly. We’ve been digging into MindStudio’s capabilities, and although we’ve run into some “technical issues”, we’re excited to continue learning and testing the limits!

P.S. These no-code tools do come with caveats, and if you are already familiar with programming, you may just want to use something more geared towards writing code like LangChain!

Rico's Roundup

Critical Insights and Curated Content from Rico

Skeptics Corner
Unveiling the AI Search Revolution: Bing's Makeover and Claudebot's Data Hunger

Since the introduction of AI models like ChatGPT, Claude, and others, one question has been at the forefront of many minds (including my own): who controls the information we access, and how does this affect information bias? With recent developments from Microsoft's Bing AI and Anthropic's ClaudeBot, these concerns are becoming more prominent. Are we witnessing the rise of Google 2.0, where a few entities dominate the information landscape? This raises the pressing issue of these services potentially presenting a narrow set of ideals, morals, politics, and viewpoints, skewing public perception and further eroding the publics trust in AI, tech, and the industry. A recent incident involving Anthropic's AI web crawler, ClaudeBot, and the popular repair website iFixit, brings these issues to the forefront for all the world to see.

ClaudeBot's Heavy-Handed Approach

On July 25, 2024, iFixit's CEO, Kyle Wiens, reported that ClaudeBot had absolutely hammered their website nearly a million times within a 24-hour period. This aggressive scraping activity not only violated iFixit's Terms of Use but also placed significant strain on the website's resources. “If any of those requests accessed our terms of service, they would have told you that use of our content is expressly forbidden. But don’t ask me, ask Claude!” Wiens posted on social media, illustrating the growing tensions between AI developers and content creators.

Privacy Concerns

The aggressive scraping activities of ClaudeBot and others like it, raise significant privacy concerns. While iFixit's content is publicly accessible, the sheer volume and frequency of requests from ClaudeBot creates several potential risks. When AI crawlers gather data indiscriminately, they may inadvertently collect personal information embedded within the content, which can include user comments, forums, and other user-generated content that might contain sensitive information.

Moreover, the lack of transparency about how this data is used and stored by AI companies exacerbates these privacy issues, furthering the divide between creators, AI’s early adopters, and those who are considering using AI tools. Users have a right to know how their data is being utilized, especially when it involves training AI models that could potentially replicate or misuse this information, like we have seen in the past with other tech companies (*cough cough* Facebook and Cambridge Analytica…). If we have learned anything from the past decade of the evolution of tech, it is that clear data usage policies and adherence to privacy regulations are paramount to protect user privacy, most especially in the age of AI.

Information Bias

The reliance on web crawlers for AI training data not only introduces the risk of information bias, but also presents new forms of bias in the information landscape. When crawlers like ClaudeBot target specific websites heavily, the data collected can skew the training models towards the perspectives and content of those sites. In the case of iFixit, the information gathered is predominantly related to tech repairs and consumer electronics, which might not represent a balanced view across different domains.

Information bias can lead to AI models that reflect and reinforce existing biases in the data sources they are trained on. This concern is heightened by the fact that AI services may present a narrow set of ideals, morals, politics, and viewpoints, potentially skewing public perception. This can have far-reaching implications, especially when these models are used in applications that affect decision-making processes, content recommendations, or automated responses. As I have been saying since last year, it is important that these companies ensure a diverse and representative dataset to develop fair and unbiased AI systems. We realize this is a big ask of the tech industry, but believe it is the only path forward to closing divides and achieving further adoption of these tools and systems.

Disregarding of Policies and Rules

The incident with iFixit highlights a concerning trend of AI companies further disregarding established policies and rules. iFixit’s Terms of Use clearly prohibited the unauthorized reproduction and use of its content for training machine learning models, however, ClaudeBot’s activities still went ahead and violated these terms, and demonstrated a lack of respect for the website's established policies.

As we have reported in previous editions of this newsletter, this type of disregard is not unique to Anthropic. The AI industry as a whole has seen similar issues, with companies often prioritizing data acquisition over compliance with legal and ethical standards. This behavior not only undermines the trust between AI developers and content creators, but also poses legal risks for both parties. Respecting the rules set by content providers and engaging in transparent dialogues about data usage is essential for fostering a cooperative environment in the AI ecosystem.

A Path Forward: Balancing Innovation and Responsibility

The conflict between Anthropic and iFixit underscores a broader need for the AI industry to adopt more refined and respectful data acquisition practices. As AI models become more sophisticated, their hunger for data grows, necessitating vast amounts of information to improve performance and accuracy. However, this cannot come at the expense of violating the terms of service of content providers or straining their operational capacities.

One possible solution is for AI developers to engage in direct dialogues with content creators, seeking permissions and establishing licensing agreements where appropriate. This collaborative approach could help mitigate the friction between technological advancement and ethical data use.

Rico’s Final Thought

The case of ClaudeBot and iFixit serves as yet another great example of the multifaceted challenges posed by AI web crawling and training models. Privacy concerns, information bias, and the disregard of policies are significant issues that need to be addressed to ensure ethical and responsible AI development. At the same time, like when starting any new business or developing tech, one is never going to run out of problems to solve and issues that are compounded by trying to move too quickly. This further illustrates why we repeatedly state that these issues can be remedied or mitigated by prioritizing transparency, fairness, and respecting established rules. This will, in turn, help the AI community navigate these challenges and build systems that benefit all stakeholders, while also allowing multiplying opportunities for potential collaborations.

The path forward requires a balanced approach that values both technological innovation, creative processes, and ethical integrity, ensuring sustainable progress in the field of artificial intelligence. And most of all, not limiting search results or disallowing users access to information and data that they are truly searching for.

Must-Read Articles

Mike's Musings

Mike’s Business Byte

A Simple Post-It note…

In our recent conversation with Tim Cakir, he shared an innovative approach to integrating AI into our daily workflows. His method is straightforward yet powerful: keep a post-it note with "AI?" on your monitor. This simple reminder encourages you to constantly think about how AI can streamline and enhance your tasks. Inspired by AI expert Ali K Miller, Tim's clients have adopted this practice, transforming their work environments and reducing repetitive, mundane tasks. Embracing an AI-first mindset allows us to focus more on creative and meaningful work, making our days more productive and fulfilling.

An additional tip here is to ALSO consider whether or not you can use AI for your current task safely and securely. This means ensuring you don’t put any personally identifying information (PII) as a starting point.

Mike’s AI Tips

Essential Tips for Using AI Tools Effectively

AI Tips: Smart Strategies for Using AI in Content Marketing

In the ever-evolving world of content marketing, AI is a powerful tool, but it's crucial to balance it with human intelligence and creativity. Here are some actionable tips to help you leverage AI effectively while avoiding common pitfalls.

Do: Use AI to Enhance, Not Replace Human Creativity

AI can handle data analysis, automate repetitive tasks, and even assist in content creation. Use AI tools to gather insights about your audience, optimize content for SEO, and automate scheduling. This frees up your time to focus on what humans do best—creative and strategic thinking. For example, AI can suggest keywords and headlines, but the unique voice and narrative should come from you or your team.

Don’t: Over-Rely on AI for Content Creation

While AI-generated content can be useful, it shouldn't be your sole content creation strategy. AI lacks the emotional intelligence and nuanced understanding that human writers bring to the table. Over-relying on AI can lead to bland, generic content that fails to engage your audience. Always review and refine AI-generated content to ensure it aligns with your brand’s voice and resonates with your readers.

Do: Implement AI for Personalization and Targeting

AI excels at analyzing user data to provide personalized experiences. Use AI to segment your audience and deliver tailored content that meets their specific needs and interests. Personalization increases engagement and conversion rates, making your marketing efforts more effective. For instance, AI can help recommend products or articles based on a user’s past behavior, making your content more relevant and compelling.

Don’t: Ignore Transparency and Ethics

Transparency is key when using AI in your marketing strategy. Be honest with your audience about the use of AI in your content creation and data collection processes. Additionally, ensure your AI tools comply with data privacy regulations to build and maintain trust with your audience. Ethical considerations should always guide your AI use to avoid potential backlash or mistrust.

By blending AI's capabilities with human creativity and ethical practices, you can create a content marketing strategy that is both efficient and engaging. Use AI as a powerful ally, but remember that the human touch is irreplaceable in building meaningful connections with your audience.

Mike Favorites

Sharing personal recommendations for technology, AI books, podcasts, or documentaries.

Video: A.I. IS DYING

Adam (“Adam ruins everything” guy) talks to Ed Zitron about whether or AI is dying.

Meme showing that most folks really don’t want to “go deep” with machine learning!

I love this graphic... it shows:

  1. Most people only see the surface of what so called “AI” (what’s actually machine learning and a host of other technologies).

  2. Python and math are a BIG part of what actually trains and runs these systems.

In spite of all that, you don’t need to be a coder to get huge gains from AI. As Tim Cakir mentioned during our conversations, using no-code tools, you can build applications that allow you to automate your workflows with no coding experience required. One such tool is (our tool of the week).

Tool Time Weekly by Tim Cakir

Also, speaking of Tim Cakir, Tim runs a weekly newsletter that is another of my favorites for the week!

If you’ve got something you think I’d like, hit me up at [email protected] 

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Quote of the week: "The real question is, when will we draft an artificial intelligence bill of rights?" - Gray Scott