AI Bytes Newsletter Issue #2

Hey there, AI enthusiasts and skeptics alike! You've landed on AI Bytes, and I'm your host, Rico – the guy who's always got an eyebrow raised when it comes to AI. Buckle up, because today we're jumping from the mind-blowing advancements of Google DeepMind's AlphaGeometry straight into the thick of AI's ethical jungle, especially in the tricky world of AI in the insurance industry.

But it's not all high-brow tech talk around here. I've got a treat for you in Rico's Recommendation: an AI that's a master prankster. Yeah, you heard that right – an AI that can make prank calls that'll have you in stitches. It's a wild reminder that AI isn't just for the tech-heads; it's got a sense of humor too!

And for those of you who can't get enough of the nitty-gritty tech details, don't worry – Mike's got you covered. In Mike's Musings, he'll take you on a deep dive into the world of AI from a technologist's point of view. He's packing this edition with savvy insights, cool tools, and a detailed exploration of the inner workings of AI implementations.

So whether you're here for a good laugh or to feed your hunger for tech knowledge, this edition of AI Bytes has got something for everyone. Let's get the show on the road!

The Latest in AI

A Look into the Heart of AI

In this week's Featured Innovation, we highlight a breakthrough by Google DeepMind, which has developed an AI system named AlphaGeometry, capable of solving complex geometry problems akin to those in the International Mathematical Olympiad. This advancement merges a language model with a symbolic engine, balancing creative thinking and logical reasoning, to tackle mathematical challenges that have long stumped conventional AI models. While excelling in 'elementary' mathematics, AlphaGeometry signifies a stride towards AI's deep reasoning capabilities, potentially impacting fields beyond mathematics, like computer vision, architecture, and theoretical physics. However, its current limitations lie in addressing more advanced, abstract problems at the university level, marking an exciting frontier for future AI exploration and development. (I know a couple of high school and college students that will be very happy to hear of this development.).

Ethical Considerations

A recent event that has ethical implications and caught our attention is the New York State Department of Financial Services' proposal on the use of AI and ECDIS in insurance underwriting and pricing. It's a complex issue, no doubt. On one hand, AI and ECDIS promise to revolutionize the insurance industry, making processes faster and potentially more accurate. But here's the catch, and it's a big one: the potential for embedded systemic biases in these technologies.

From our perspective, we're walking a tightrope here. AI's efficiency comes with a price. If the data it learns from carries historical biases – which, let's be honest, is more than likely – we risk perpetuating and exacerbating inequality. Think about it: decisions that could affect someone's access to insurance, or the rate they pay, might be influenced by an algorithm that's inadvertently learned to discriminate. The proposal does talk about insurers establishing frameworks to mitigate harm, but can we really rely on these complex, opaque algorithms to make fair decisions? It's not just about being lawful; it's about being ethically responsible.

There's a real danger here of AI making decisions without understanding the full human context. What if it decides on a policy based on data points that don't account for an individual's unique circumstances? The proposal calls for insurers to prove their AI models don't discriminate unfairly, but the question is, how effectively can this be monitored and enforced? It's like opening a can of worms; once we go down this path, it might be challenging to address the myriad of ethical dilemmas that could emerge. As much as I believe in the power of technology, I think we need to tread very carefully here. The future of fair and equitable insurance could depend on it.

Real-World Impact

OpenAI's recent policy update is a pivotal step in combating election misinformation, reflecting the growing awareness of the potential misuse of AI tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E in the political arena. As reported by The Wall Street Journal and detailed on OpenAI's blog, the new guidelines prohibit the use of these tools for impersonating political candidates or local governments, and they ban their use for political campaigning or lobbying. This move underscores the inherent challenges and responsibilities that come with the power of AI technology, especially in the context of its impact on democratic processes.

The introduction of the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity’s (C2PA) digital credentials in DALL-E images marks a significant advancement. By encoding images with their provenance, it becomes easier to distinguish between genuine and AI-generated content. This feature, expected to roll out early this year, represents a collaborative effort among tech giants like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe, and Getty, highlighting a sector-wide commitment to safeguarding information integrity. However, these measures are still in their developing stages and rely heavily on user vigilance and reporting. Given the dynamic and often unpredictable nature of AI, there's a degree of uncertainty about the effectiveness of these policies in real-time scenarios, particularly during the high-stakes environment of an election.

From an objective standpoint, while OpenAI's efforts are commendable, they also bring to light the complex relationship between technology and democracy. The reliance on AI tools for information dissemination and consumption poses a double-edged sword (feels like we say this a lot when talking about AI); where there is potential for enriching public discourse, there is also the risk of manipulating it. This situation calls for a balanced approach that combines technological solutions with human oversight. The emphasis on media literacy, as suggested, remains crucial. Encouraging individuals to critically evaluate news and information, and to cross-verify seemingly extraordinary claims, is vital. In essence, as AI continues to evolve and surprise us, a combined strategy of technological safeguards and educated public interaction appears to be the key to mitigating misinformation risks in the election season and beyond.


The Toolbox for Navigating the AI Landscape

AI Tool of the Week - Midjourney

✨ Hey everyone, Mike here! This week's highlight is Midjourney, an extraordinary tool in AI-driven image generation. As someone who uses Midjourney heavily for generating images for work, the podcast, my blog and more, I can tell you it’s an invaluable tool. What’s more, Midjourney recently released version 6 which showcases notable advancements:

  • Enhanced Prompt Accuracy & Coherence: Tailor-made for longer, more detailed prompts.

  • Revolutionary Text Rendering: Ideal for creating logos, captions, and dynamic quotes.

  • Superior Upscaling: For even clearer, high-resolution images.

  • Realism & Detail: Unmatched attention to detail and realism.

For those eager to dive into Midjourney, check out this comprehensive beginner's guide on YouTube

If you’ve already been using Midjourney version 5 and want to learn about how to effectively use version 6 check out the following article on mastering v6.

If you’ve got a suggestion on tools we should check out, email us at [email protected] and let us know.

Rico's Roundup

Critical Insights and Curated Content from Rico

Skeptic's Corner: The Double-Edged Sword of AI: Democratization and Military Collaboration

As someone who's always looked at AI with a healthy dose of skepticism, recent developments in the field have given me a lot to chew on. On one hand, we've got OpenAI leading a commendable charge towards democratizing AI through their Democratic Inputs to AI grant program. It's an initiative that resonates with my belief in the need for AI to be aligned with the diverse values and voices of humanity. This program is a beacon of hope, demonstrating how technology can be guided by the collective wisdom of people from different walks of life.

Yet, on the other side of things, there's news that's harder to digest – the partnership between OpenAI, the Pentagon, and industry giants like Microsoft. It was perhaps inevitable; the marriage between AI technology and military interests has long been a looming possibility. The potential benefits of such a collaboration can't be denied – enhanced national security, advanced defense capabilities, you name it. But it's a slippery slope, and the thought of AI-powered military applications raises more than a few red flags in my mind.

What concerns me is the balance – or the potential lack thereof. While democratization efforts push AI towards transparency and ethical development, military alliances could veer AI towards paths less scrutinized and more opaque. The power of AI in defense isn't something to be taken lightly; it's a realm where ethical lines can blur, and unintended consequences can have far-reaching impacts.

This isn't to say that AI shouldn't play a role in national defense. But as we tread this path, it's crucial to remember the principles that OpenAI's grant program champions – inclusivity, public input, and alignment with human values. As AI's capabilities grow, so does its potential to affect lives, both positively and negatively. It's a balance that needs careful and constant calibration.

In conclusion, the journey of AI is a tale of two worlds – one where it's a tool for public empowerment and ethical progression, and another where it becomes a cog in the machinery of defense and security. It's a testament to the power and versatility of AI, but also a reminder that with great power comes great responsibility. As we navigate these waters, let's ensure that our compass isn't just guided by innovation and utility, but also by the moral and ethical implications of our choices.

I would love to hear your take on the subject, as both of these developments could impact the path of AI and our own lives. Please DM us on or hit us up on our LinkedIn. We would love to hear from you!

Must-Read Articles

AI Technology Mimics Handwriting with High Accuracy

Researchers at the Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence have developed an AI tool capable of closely copying a person's handwriting, requiring only a few paragraphs for training. While the technology offers potential applications like interpreting illegible writing, concerns about misuse and forgery are being addressed by the researchers.

Microsoft Education's AI Innovations for Enhanced Learning

Microsoft Education introduces AI tools like expanded Copilot for Microsoft 365, Microsoft Loop, and Reading Coach with generative AI. These innovations aim to improve productivity, personalize learning, and build AI literacy in education.

Step Into the Future with RunwayML's Multi Motion Brush

Embark on a transformative journey in video editing with RunwayML's cutting-edge feature, the Multi Motion Brush. This innovative tool redefines your creative workflow, offering unparalleled control over distinct segments of your footage. Tailor-made for filmmakers and content creators, it unlocks endless opportunities for dynamic storytelling and visual flair. Experience this groundbreaking development in their latest showcase, and elevate your video projects to extraordinary heights.

Listener's Voice

One of our listeners, Nick, writes, "Knowing what you know now about AI, if you were starting out, what's the first tool you'd learn?"

Great question, Nick! If I were starting out in AI, OpenAI's ChatGPT and GPT models would be my go-to choice, and here's why:

1. User-Friendly Interface: The thing is, I like tools that don't require a PhD to understand. GPT models are user-friendly and approachable, making them ideal for someone who's not a tech expert. I was recently in an space with PhD-level folks, cryptocurrency investors, and AI developers and one of them made a statement that really resonated with me. I'm paraphrasing here (a bit less eloquently than he stated it), but here's the gist: 'ChatGPT provides a PhD-level education at your fingertips, requiring minimal effort, all at an affordable price.' I agree with this statement and regularly use ChatGPT and other GPT models to learn about topics and refine data much faster than I could have previously. 

2. Versatility in Applications: These models can do a lot - from answering questions to creating content and coding assistance. For someone like me who values practical and multifunctional tools, this is a big plus.

3. In-Depth Conversations: One of the best ways I learn is by talking through things. GPT models excel at lengthy, insightful conversations, which is great for understanding the broader scope of AI.

4. Efficiency in Learning: Time is money, and I don't like wasting either. GPT models can turn lengthy research into concise, tailored summaries. This means I can get the gist of a topic quickly, without slogging through pages of info.

5. Reliability: I've seen and can attest that OpenAI's GPT models are reliable and consistent. For someone skeptical about new tech, knowing I'm using a tool that's dependable is reassuring. Historically, Mike and I haven't had the best results with alternatives like Google Bard (Bard literally never worked for me, not once) and some others. There was a period, before ChatGPT updated their token count allowance, when I used Claude.AI a bit more for longer-form content. However, I wasn't always pleased with the outputs, and often, I wasn't as impressed. In many cases, I found myself refining their outputs further using ChatGPT, which consistently delivered the quality and reliability I was looking for. The recent addition of the GPT store, which allows for the creation and customization of GPT models for specific tasks, is a major asset for anyone looking to automate tasks or enhance their expertise in a particular niche. This feature provides an invaluable tool for tailoring AI capabilities to individual needs and objectives.

6. Skill Development: It's not just about using AI; it's about understanding it. With GPT models, I'm not just utilizing a tool; I'm learning about AI's capabilities and limitations.

More importantly, OpenAI offers both a free version of ChatGPT 3.5 and a very affordable paid version of ChatGPT 4 for only $20 a month. This affordability and the option to choose between free and premium versions—which includes access to a plug-in store—make it even more appealing. You start with the free version to get your feet wet, and when you're ready to dive deeper, the paid version is there without breaking the bank.

The ChatGPT plug-in store is a game-changer, allowing users to enable up to three different plug-ins, such as WebPilot, Aadvark News, various investment sites and news, spreadsheet creators, and more. These plug-ins provide additional capabilities to access diverse data sets, explore further into specific topics, and niches you're keen on learning about or products you're trying to create. This makes GPT models not only a tool for information but also a platform for expanding your knowledge and skills in targeted areas.

So, for anyone starting out in AI, I'd say GPT models are a solid choice. They're easy, versatile, efficient, reliable, and won't cost you an arm and a leg. Plus, they really open up the world of AI in a way that's digestible, practical, and tailored to your specific interests and needs.

Thank you Nick for the question and taking the time to write in!

Rico’s Recommendation

In this week’s edition, I wanted to highlight one of my favorite Podcasts that truly had me in stitches this week. "This Day in AI Podcast," hosted by Michael and Chris Sharkey.

It's episode 46, and these guys take AI to a whole new level of fun. They're using this AI tech called and SimTheory.AI for voice calls, which can interact and respond almost instantly. The real kicker? They test it out by making prank calls to local hardware and pet stores, and let me tell you, the results are sidesplitting.

It's not just the prank calls, but how the AI reacts and responds in these real-life situations that had me cracking up. It's a perfect example of how AI isn't just about serious tech stuff – it can be a source of some genuine laughter too.

I highly recommend giving them a follow and checking out their content!

Mike's Musings

Hey folks, Mike here! Welcome to week 2, where I’m talking about improving your Prompt Engineering game, and breakdown the AI term RAG. Plus, get ready for my top AI picks - you won't want to miss these!"

Tech Deep Dive

Mike breaks down a complex AI concept into understandable terms.

This week we’re going to learn about the AI term RAG.

Alright, let's get into RAG, or Retrieval Augmented Generation. It's a neat little duo in the AI world, and explaining it is right up my alley.

First, there's the 'Retriever'. This isn't your everyday dog fetching a stick; it's more like a super-smart librarian. Imagine you have a question, like how to prove to Rico that AI won't secretly brew his coffee wrong out of spite. The Retriever goes through a vast database, kind of like searching through the world's biggest library, to find the information that's most relevant to your question. This could be files, data in a vector database, structured data and more.

Then comes the 'Generator'. This is where things get interesting. Think of it as a skilled chef taking all the ingredients the Retriever found and whipping up a gourmet meal, or in our case, a clear, concise, and relevant answer. The Generator is the one that puts it all together in a way that makes sense and is useful to us.

So, in essence, RAG is like having an incredibly efficient researcher (the retriever) teamed up with a skilled writer (the generator) to provide informative and accurate answers or content. This makes RAG a powerful tool in AI for various applications, like answering questions, creating content, and more, in a way that's both informed and articulate.

More on the Retriever

In the Retriever component of the Retriever-Augmented Generation (RAG) model, several types of data are used to ensure effective information retrieval. The data types include:

1. Structured Data: This refers to information that is highly organized and easily searchable, like databases or spreadsheets. It can include things like product catalogs, business directories, and research databases.

2. Unstructured Data: This encompasses more free-form content, such as text in books, articles, web pages, and news reports. It's the kind of data that doesn't fit neatly into a database but contains valuable information that the Retriever can extract.

3. Semi-structured Data: These are data that don't reside in a relational database but have some organizational properties that make them easier to analyze than purely unstructured data. Examples include JSON files, emails, and XML documents.

4. Knowledge Bases and Encyclopedias: Comprehensive collections of structured information, such as Wikipedia or specialized encyclopedias, are crucial. They offer a vast source of facts and information on a wide array of topics.

5. Scientific Journals and Papers: For more technical or specialized queries, the Retriever might tap into databases of academic papers and scientific research.

6. Multimedia Data: In some advanced implementations, RAG systems can also use multimedia data like images, videos, and audio files, although processing this data typically requires more complex algorithms. NOTE: ChatGPT supports images, text and audio files for retrieval in custom GPTs

7. Internet Sources and Webpages: The Retriever often uses data from various websites and online portals to provide current and comprehensive information.

8. Social Media Data: Information from social media platforms can also be valuable, especially for understanding public opinion, trends, and real-time events.

The Retriever's role is to sift through these various types of data to find relevant information that the Generator can then use to formulate coherent and contextually accurate responses.

More about the Generator

The Generator part of the Retriever-Augmented Generation (RAG) system is where the magic of content creation happens. After the Retriever fetches the relevant information, the Generator steps in to construct a coherent and contextually appropriate response. Here's how it typically works:

1. Integrating Retrieved Data: The Generator receives the information retrieved by the Retriever. This data can be in the form of text snippets, facts, or any relevant pieces of information needed to answer a query or complete a task.

2. Understanding Context: The Generator, equipped with advanced language understanding capabilities, examines the context of the query and the information provided by the Retriever. This step is crucial for ensuring that the response is not only accurate but also relevant to the specific question or task.

3. Content Creation: Using language models, often based on large language models like GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer), the Generator starts creating the response. It does so by weaving together the information from the Retriever, filling in gaps, and ensuring that the output is fluent and natural-sounding.

4. Applying Language Skills: The Generator applies sophisticated language skills such as paraphrasing, summarizing, and sometimes even creative writing, depending on the task. This is where it translates the raw data into something that is both informative and engaging for the user.

5. Adjusting for Tone and Style: Depending on the application, the Generator might also adjust the tone and style of the response. For instance, a response for a professional report will be different in tone from a casual conversation.

6. Output Generation: Finally, the Generator outputs the response. This response aims to be as accurate, informative, and coherent as possible, representing a synthesis of the retrieved information tailored to the user's query.

7. Feedback and Learning: In some systems, the Generator can also learn from feedback. If the system is interactive, it can refine its responses based on user reactions or corrections, thereby improving over time.

In essence, the Generator is like a skilled writer who takes research notes (provided by the Retriever) and composes a well-written piece of content. This part of the RAG system is what makes the tool so powerful for tasks like answering questions, writing content, or engaging in dialogue.

Prompt Engineering - Tech Tips

This week, we’re adding something new. We’re going to focus on being more effective Prompt Engineers with GPT-4. What is a Prompt Engineer you ask?

Think of a Prompt Engineer as someone who excels in communicating with advanced artificial intelligence (AI) systems. If you've ever used Siri, Alexa, or Google Assistant, you know that sometimes how you ask a question can make a big difference in the kind of answer you get. A prompt engineer specializes in crafting these questions or instructions (called "prompts") in the most effective way possible.

This role is particularly important with more complex AI systems like GPT-3 or GPT-4, which can generate text, create images, or even write code based on the input they receive. A prompt engineer knows how to phrase these inputs so that the AI understands and produces the desired output, whether it's a detailed report, a piece of creative writing, or a graphic design.

Imagine you're using a high-tech tool at work that can vastly simplify your tasks, but it requires very specific instructions to function correctly. The prompt engineer is the expert who knows exactly how to "talk" to this tool to get the best results. They blend technical knowledge with creativity and a deep understanding of how AI interprets human language, making them invaluable in leveraging AI technology effectively.

Here are some simple, yet effective ways to get more out of ChatGPT:

Tip 1 - The Power of Clear Instructions: Learn how to formulate your prompts for maximum clarity and effectiveness.

Example: Instead of saying "Tell me about dogs," specify "Provide a summary of the different breeds of dogs and their characteristics."

Tip 2 - Mastering the Use of Reference Text: Discover how using the right references can enhance AI's understanding.

Example: "Based on the article 'The Future of AI' by John Doe, summarize the key predictions for AI in the next decade."

Tip 3 - Simplifying Complex Tasks: Break down intricate tasks into manageable steps for better AI responses.

Example: "First, list the steps to bake a cake. Then, detail each step with ingredients and instructions."

Tip 4 - The Art of Giving AI Time to 'Think': Understand the importance of patience in achieving optimal results.

Example: After asking a complex question, allow some time for the AI to process and generate a detailed response, rather than expecting an immediate answer.

Tip 5 - How to Effectively Use External Tools: Explore ways to complement AI capabilities with additional tools.

Example: "Use the WebPilot tool to find the latest research on renewable energy and summarize the findings."

Tip 6 - The Importance of Systematic Testing: Learn why consistent testing is crucial for refining your prompts.

Example: Regularly experiment with different types of prompts and observe the AI's responses to understand which formats work best.

There’s a lot more to prompt engineering and plenty of content on leveling up your prompt engineering, and I’ll let you in on a little secret, most of this stuff can be found directly on OpenAI’s website

If you’ve got questions, please let us know at [email protected]

Mike's Favorites

Sharing personal recommendations for AI books, podcasts, or documentaries.

Stable Diffusion with the FOOOCUS model

It’s no surprise that I’d be recommending Stable Diffusion with FOOOCUS. Rico and I recently released our latest episode of the pod and walked through making consistent characters with this tech. One thing we didn’t cover on episode 8 was how to get setup and installed with Stable Diffusion and FOOOCUS, the video below covers that!


My second pick, while not directly related to AI, contains an important AI anecdote. "Bitconned" is a documentary about a crypto scam company. The scam itself may not seem particularly intriguing or relevant to AI at first glance. However, what I found compelling was that the scam's success largely hinged on an error made by a trusted finance influencer, Clif High, who placed too much trust in AI without critically evaluating its findings. Clif used AI to predict trends, but his bot erroneously linked a legitimate financial firm with a similar name to the Centra Card. Following Clif's prediction, the ICO for Centra soared. Clif eventually recognized his mistake and shared this revelation in various social media posts.

Additionally, Clif interviewed Centra Tech's COO, Sohrab Sharma, also known as "Sam Sharma." This entire scenario unfolded from an uncritical reliance on AI to forecast future crypto trends.

This documentary offers some intriguing insights and is worth watching. You can find "Bitconned" on Netflix.

Contact Us

Got a product, service, or innovation in the AI and tech world you're itching to share? Or perhaps you have a strange, hilarious, or uniquely entertaining experience with AI tools or in the AI space? We at Artificial Antics are always on the lookout for exciting content to feature on our podcast and in our newsletter. If you're ready to share your creation or story with an enthusiastic audience, we're ready to listen! Please reach out with a direct message on or send us an email. Let's explore the possibility of a thrilling collaboration together!


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We can't express enough gratitude to the incredible Artificial Antics family for your unwavering support. Your dedication, shown through your active participation on our social media channels, consistent listening to our episodes, enthusiastic readership of our newsletter, and loyal following on, is the heartbeat of our podcast. Your engagement is our motivation and makes every episode a collaborative exploration into the fascinating realm of AI. A heartfelt thank you also goes out to our families and friends for their endless love and support. You all are the pillars of this exciting journey, and we are deeply thankful for each one of you in this growing community! THANK YOU!

AI: Amplify, not replace.